中華中文學  Chung Wah Chinese School

                                                     212 E. Lafayette Street, Stockton, CA 95203

                                         Fall Semester 2024: Student Enrollment Form (Page 1)

                         中華中文學  Chung Wah Chinese School

                                                     212 E. Lafayette Street, Stockton, CA 95203

                                         Fall Semester 2024: Student Enrollment Form (Page 1)

Description 教学简介A weekly program in Mandarin Chinese language instruction: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in Pinyin and Simplified Chinese Characters. 一个星期上课一次,课程包括 听, 说,读,写。 教材用中文简体字和拼音。
Eligibility/学生资格Kindergarten age and above. Adults are also eligible 五岁至成人均可报名
2023 Fall Semester Dates 2023 年秋季时间Aug. 17, 2024—-Dec 14, 2024  (Total 15 Weeks)                                                                           (No class on Aug 31 (Labor Day), Nov.9 (Veteran), Nov. 23(Thanksgiving))
Hours/上课时间Saturday, 9:00am—12:00pm
Location/上课地点Confucius Church of Stockton 212 E. Lafayette Street, Stockton, CA 95203


Name of Student学生姓名age年龄grade年级School 就读学校学费
#1   $150
#2   $140
#3   $130
                                                                                              Total Tuition     学费总额$

Payment: Pay cash (exact amount, please) or make check payable to Confucius Church of Stockton (212 E. Lafayette Street, Stockton, CA 95203). Receipt will be given/mailed to you in approximately one week. 现金或支票付款均可。现金不设早续。支票抬头请写:Confucius Church of Stockton. 收据在一星期内寄出

Sign-out Permission:  If you have a child 13 years of age or older, do you give permission to sign himself or herself out at the end of the school day? 年龄在十三岁或以上的学生如家长同意可以自行放学。     Yes/ 同意__________                       No/ 不同意________         N/A ___________________

 Name of the student /学生姓名_______________________. This student may also sign out the following students/或与其他学生同行: ________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature家长/监护人签名____________________________ 日期______________